Spotkania on-line

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Na stronie od 2024-05-07

09/05/2024 r.

The Dignity of the Human Person: The Concept of "Freedom" | Thursday May 9

The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem PTIJ and FAFI invite you to join us for our weekly gathering of learning and prayers, the next presentation in our mini-series: The Dignity of the Human Person: The Concept of "Freedom"
Join us on Thursday 9th May at 6:00 pm Jerusalem on Zoom, for our weekly gathering of learning and prayers, continuing the mini-series: The Dignity of the Human Person: The Concept of "Freedom".
Teaching by Rabbi Dr Alon Goshen-Gottstein with a response by Swami Atmapriyananda.

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Na stronie od 2024-05-03

09/05/2024 r.

Spotkanie wokół książki »Świdermajerowie« Katarzyny Chudyńskiej-Szuchnik

Jakób Dietrich, Jan Świech, Stanisław Russek i Izaak Wölfling – czterej budowniczowie podwarszawskich willi i pensjonatów. Ich rodziny, współpracownicy, przyjaciele, potomkowie. Inwestorki i inwestorzy ze stolicy. Przedsiębiorcy budowlani, inżynierowie, architekci. Kobiety prowadzące pensjonaty. Właściciel tartaku. Nielegalni piekarze. Lokatorzy kwaterunkowi.

Idolatry – okładka

Na stronie od 2024-04-30

30/04/2024 r.

Idolatry – a Muslim and Hindu Perspectives

We continue the conversation on idolatry, started in the previous issue of Wisdom. Based on the reflections on the subject, by Jewish thinkers, featured in Idolatry: A Contemporary Jewish Conversation, we convened at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion a conversation with Christian, Muslim and Hindu scholars, raising the question of what significance the category of idolatry has for these thinkers in their respective religions. Participants were asked to review the Idolatry book and to reflect on its relevance for a contemporary understanding of idolatry in their tradition. In this issue of Wisdom we offer a Muslim Perspective and a Hindu perspective.

Na stronie od 2024-04-22

25/04/2024 r.

Pesach Special of our weekly gathering of learning and prayers

Rabbi Jeff Berger is originally from New York and is a product of the Montefiore Kollel, the programme set up by the Spanish and Portuguese community to train new central Orthodox rabbis for British Jewry. He is an interfaith advisor, a broadcaster, a writer, a thought innovator, a public speaker, a chaplain, a pastoral carer, and a friend. Since 2018 he has been involved with Interfaith outreach and efforts to build bridges of understanding and compassion between and among Faith Leaders in the UK and further afield. He participated in the meeting of the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders in 2023.

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Na stronie od 2024-04-16

18/04/2024 r.

The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem

Swami Rameshwarananda Giri is a Hindu monk of the Holy Order of Swamis, representative of the Vedic Community of Spain. He is advisor for Interreligious Dialogue and Relations with the Administrations of the Hindu Federation of Spain and spiritual advisor to the Hindu Forum of Europe.

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Na stronie od 2024-04-09

18/04/2024 r.

Archiwum Ringelbluma – historia i znaczenie

W ramach cyklu Zoom na Forum spotkamy się w przeddzień 81. rocznicy wybuchu powstania w getcie warszawskim, by porozmawiać o Archiwum Ringelbluma, podziemnym archiwum getta warszawskiego stworzonym przez grupę Oneg Szabat. Ten unikatowy zbiór dokumentów, jedno z najważniejszych źródeł wiedzy o Zagładzie polskich Żydów, został w 1999 roku wpisany na listę Pamięć Świata UNESCO.

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Na stronie od 2024-04-06

11/04/2024 r.

The Dignity of the Human Person: The Concept of "Freedom"

Join us on Thursday 11th April at 6:00 pm Jerusalem time on Zoom, for our weekly gathering of learning and prayers, beginning a new mini-series: The Dignity of the Human Person: The Concept of "Freedom".

PTIJ and FAFI special Gathering of Praying Together in Jerusalem

Na stronie od 2024-04-05

04/04/2024 r.

Simply Prayers

After 6 months of learning and praying together, we need to intensify our appeals to the Almighty for human dignity and peace. So, we are devoting this week's gathering simply to prayers.
Prayers will be offered by Sr Maureen Goodman, Prof Fadwa Nadir Kirrish, Rev Stewart Gillan, Hanna Yaffe, Sr.Kasia Kowalska NDS, Rev Heather Smith, Sr Jean Langley, Richard Erlich, Peta Jones Pellach and many more.

Idolatry: A Contemporary Jewish Conversation (Academic Studies Press, 2023)

Na stronie od 2024-04-01

31/03/2024 r.

Idolatry: An Interreligous Conversation

Idolatry is the mirror image of God. If we seek to understand God and how to approach him, idolatry serves us as the mirror image of what we seek to avoid. Idolatry has also been the category by means of which religions invalidate other religions, and in this sense has an important history in Jewish usage. Following the publication of Alon Goshen-Gottstein's, Same God, Other god: Judaism, Hinduism and the Question of Idolatry (Palgrave, 2017), the question arose: if other religions are not viewed through the lens of idolatry, what does the category mean to us? To this end, a conversation among Jewish thinkers and theologians was convened. Its fruits are featured in Idolatry: A Contemporary Jewish Conversation (Academic Studies Press, 2023).