Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów (ICCJ) - Kronika

ICCJ Conference 2024 - logo


Holiness: A Religious Imperative and Moral Obligation?

Sunday, June 23 - Wednesday, June 26

ICCJ's 2024 annual conference, entitled "'Be holy, because I, the Lord, your God, am holy.' (Wajikra / Leviticus 19:2) - Holiness: Religious Imperative and Moral Obligation?", will take place in Salzburg/Austria, June 23-26, and the online registration for participants is now open.
The conference is organized in collaboration with ICCJ's Austrian member organization, the Koordinierungsausschuss für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit, and the Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Research Programme Jewish Christian Dialogue and will be offered with simultaneous translation in English and German.

Fritz VOLL (1930-2024)


Fritz VOLL (1930-2024)

We mourn the loss of Fritz Voll, the founder and architect of this website, who passed away in Toronto, Canada, in early February 2024 at the age of 93.

ICCJ - JCRelations


JCRelations.net: March edition online

This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations. JCRelations March 2024

ICCJ - JCRelations


JCRelations.net: February edition online

This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations. JCRelations February 2024

Megaphone - picture : Pixabay / Peggy & Marco Lachmann-Anke


Call for Workshop Proposals: ICCJ Conference 2024

The ICCJ invites proposals for workshops for its 2024 annual conference to be held in Salzburg/Austria, June 23-26 on the topic "'Be holy, because I, the Lord, Your God, am holy.' (Wajikra / Leviticus 19:2) - Holiness: Religious Imperative and Moral Obligation?"

ICCJ conference 2024


ICCJ 2024 Conference in Salzburg / Austria

Preparations for ICCJ's 2024 annual conference to be held in Salzburg/Austria, June 23-26, are under way. The theme of the conference is "'Be holy, because I, the Lord, your God, am holy.' (Wajikra / Leviticus 19:2) - Holiness: Religious Imperative and Moral Obligation?"

JCRelations.net - logo


JCRelations.net: January edition online

This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations. JCRelations January 2024



JCRelations.net: December edition online

This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations.



JCRelations.net: November edition online

This site is devoted to fostering mutual respect and understanding between Christians and Jews around the world.
Here you will find articles, reviews, reports, official statements, and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations, as well as links to many related organizations.
- English - David Neuhaus: The People of Israel, the Land of Israel, and the State of Israel. Articles
- English - ICCJ-Statement: In Solidarity With Israel. Statement
- German - Rabbiner Daniel Krochmalnik: Mordverbot. Artikel
- German - DKR: Stellungnahme zum Weltgebetstag der Frauen 2024. Stellungnahme
- French - Fédération luthérienne mondiale: Hope for the future. Article
- Spanish - David M. Neuhaus: El Pueblo de Israel, la Tierra de Israel y el Estado de Israel. Articulos
- Russian - Лев Бердников: УЧЁНЫЙ ЕВРЕЙ..

ICCJ offices Maartin Buber House Heppenheim


ICCJ-Statement: In Solidarity With Israel

A few days ago, on Shabbat morning and on the onset of Simchat Torah which was supposed to be a day of peace and joy, Israel experienced a savage terrorist attack on its territory, an attack that not only violates international law but also constitutes an assault on the inviolability of human dignity, and on the holiness of human life.