Wspólna modlitwa

The Elijah Interfaith Institute

Na stronie od 2022-05-27

02/06/2022 r.

The Art of Prayer

As we approach the Jewish festival of Shavuot, celebrating the Giving of the Torah, and the Christian Pentecost, celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit

Interreligious Faith Leaders, Offering Solidarity to a War-Touched Nation

Na stronie od 2022-05-01

30/04/2022 r.

Interreligious Faith Leaders, Offering Solidarity to a War-Touched Nation

The First-Ever Delegation
The Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders, in partnership with the Peace Department, led a delegation of leaders of the world’s major faiths to visit Ukraine. The visit, held on April 12th, was to Chernivtsi (formerly Tschernowitz) in Southern Ukraine, just north of the border with Romania.

Faith in Ukraine

Na stronie od 2022-04-11

12/04/2022 r.

Now is the time for #FAITHINUKRAIN

As our solidarity delegation of world faith leaders arrive for tomorrow's live peace event, won't you lend your voice? Together we can reach those touched by violence in Ukraine with friendship, caring and wisdom.
Our visit of world faith leaders to Ukraine has received the blessing of His Holiness Pope Francis, whose message to those impacted by violence in Ukraine will be read tomorrow during our #faithinukraine live interfaith program for peace TUESDAY APRIL 12 10:00 NEW YORK / 15:00 LONDON / 17:00 UKRAINE / JERUSALEM -

Leaders of World's Faith Arriwing in Ukraine

Na stronie od 2022-04-08

12/04/2022 r.

Leaders of World's Faith Arriwing in Ukraine

A historic first interfaith delegation to travel in solidarity to a nation at war. Follow it here on Facebook live on 12 April. 10AM New York Time/15:00 UK Time/17:00 in Israel and Ukraine.

Flaga Ukrainy

Na stronie od 2022-04-01

01/04/2022 r.

Dziś ekumeniczne modlitwy „dzieci Abrahama” o pokój w Ukrainie

– Spotykamy się na modlitwie w gronie nie tylko chrześcijan, ale w formule „dzieci Abrahama”, będąc przeświadczonym o sile wymiaru duchowego w rozwiązywaniu konkretnych i często dramatycznych problemów współczesnego świata. Tak było jesienią, kiedy nie mogliśmy się zgodzić na politykę siłowego wypychania uchodźców na granicy polsko – białoruskiej, tak jest także dziś w obliczu wojny w Ukrainie.
1 kwietnia o 20:00 przed warszawskim kościołem Duszpasterstwa Środowisk Twórczych na Placu Teatralnym

The Elijah Interfaith Institute, faith in ukraine

Na stronie od 2022-04-01

07/04/2022 r.

Praying Together in Jerusalem


"Lessons of Compassion from Ramadan, Passover and Easter"
We will also continue with our prayers for peace in Ukraine.
The Elijah Interfaith Institute

Ukraine flagg

Na stronie od 2022-03-23

23/02/2025 r.

We Embrace Ukraine

In view of the human tragedy developing in Ukraine, the Executive Board of ICCJ wishes to share the following message with member organizations and friends: