U Żydów

Na stronie od 2024-01-21

25/01/2024 r.

U Żydów święto: Tu bi-Szwat

W 2024 roku - 25 stycznia.
"Gdy przyjdziecie do ziemi Izraela i będziecie sadzić wszelkie drzewo rodzące jadalny owoc, będzie wam ten owoc wzbroniony – przez trzy lata będzie wam wzbroniony i jedzony nie będzie. A w czwartym roku wszelki jego owoc będzie święty i jedzony tylko w Jerozolimie, na chwałę Boga. A w piątym roku możecie jeść jego owoc. Przestrzegaj tego prawa żeby zwiększyć swój plon. Ja Bóg, jestem waszym Bogiem" (Księga Kapłańska, Kedoszim, 19:23–25).

Tens of thousands participated in a gathering of prayer and unity at the Western Wall, the largest since the outbreak of the war. (courtesy)

Na stronie od 2024-01-19

18/01/2024 r.

A collective broken heart

We came together at the Western Wall in prayer and tears, and pierced the heavens. May that unity see us through this excruciating time
The above remarks were first said following the large prayer gathering at the Western Wall Plaza, on the evening of Rosh Chodesh Shevat.

Szczęśliwej Chanuki

Na stronie od 2023-12-04

07/12/2023 r.

U Żydów Chanuka - początek o zmierzchu 7 XII 2023, do zmierzchu 15 XII

Nadchodzące święto: Chanuka - 24 Kislew - 2 Tewet 5783 (07-15.12.2023).
Czy Chanuka zdarzyła się wiele lat temu? Czy może dzieje się teraz? Czy był kiedyś czas żeby się nie działa? Opowieść o małej świeczce odganiającej potwora przeraźliwej ciemności jest ciągle żywa wewnątrz każdego z nas, i w świecie otaczającym nas.

The Elijah Interfaith Institute logo

Na stronie od 2023-12-03

03/12/2023 r.

Peta Pellach and Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein: Present Situation in Israel/Gaza

Both Peta and Alon have contributed to reflections on the war through their respective blogs on Times of Israel. As promised during our most recent weekly meeting, here are relevant links.
Written shortly after the breakout of war, this post considers what possible spiritual meaning the events of October 7th might have and how to approach them in line with classical Jewish approaches to theodicy.

Jews Praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur was painted by Polish-Jewish artist Maurycy Gottlieb in 1878.

Na stronie od 2023-11-15

19/11/2023 r.

Jewish Faith in Dark Times

Rabbi Mark Gottlieb is chief education officer of Tikvah and founding dean of the Tikvah Scholars Program.

Yossi Klein Halevi

Na stronie od 2023-11-13

12/11/2023 r.

Yossi Klein Halevi - "The lonely people of history"

Perhaps the most enduring wound for Jews from the Holocaust is the memory of aloneness. For 12 long years, the international community scarcely intervened as Nazi persecution gradually turned to extermination. Even as we established a sovereign state and created thriving communities in a free diaspora, there remained a lingering anxiety that the post-Holocaust era of Jewish acceptance was an aberration and that someday we would once again be alone.

Alon Goshen Gottstein

Na stronie od 2023-11-10

04/10/2023 r.

Alon Goshen-Gottstein: When Jews spit in contempt, it is likely a symptom of deeper ills, especially ignorance and a refusal to learn about the other

Alon Goshen-Gottstein is the founder and director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute. He is acknowledged as one of the world’s leading figures in interreligious dialogue, specializing in bridging the theological and academic dimension with a variety of practical initiatives, especially involving world religious leadership. Rabin Alon Goshen Gottstein - Człowiek Pojednania za rok 2009.

Shalom Hartman Institute logo

Na stronie od 2023-11-03

03/11/2023 r.

Shalom Hartman Institute

The Shalom Hartman Institute is a leading center of Jewish thought and education, serving Israel and North America. Our mission is to strengthen Jewish peoplehood, identity, and pluralism; to enhance the Jewish and democratic character of Israel; and to ensure that Judaism is a compelling force for good in the 21st century.

Na stronie od 2023-10-30

05/11/2023 r.

"Jewish Values and Strategy in Wartime"

The Tikvah Center is an educational center in midtown Manhattan that offers opportunities to study Jewish thought and history, war and statesmanship, economics and public policy, and social thought with renowned thinkers and public figures. The Tikvah Center welcomes individuals of varying ages and background who wish to engage in intensive study of and passionate debate about the most pressing issues facing the Jewish people, and the Jewish State. The Tikvah Center offers educational programs for high school, gap-year, and college students; the yeshiva community; and professionals; as well as the occasional public lecture and event.