Dzień Niepodległości Izraela - Yom HaAtzma’ut 2023 / יוֹם הָעַצְמָאוּת 5783
25/04/2023 | Na stronie od 25/04/2023

Kwiecień wieczór 25- wieczór 26 2023
Dzień Niepodległości Izraela.
Dzień wcześniej zakończyło się święto Jom haZikaron, upamiętniające poległych żołnierzy izraelskich.
Nagranie z seminarium naukowego „Trzy wizje państwa(2021), trzy wizje armii. Organizacje zbrojne ruchu syjonistycznego przed 1948 r.”, podczas którego Joanna Zych opowiadała o organizacjach, które walczyły o niepodległość Izraela, a które dzieliło niemal wszystko: od podejścia do walki zbrojnej, poprzez ideologię polityczną, aż do wizji przyszłego państwa żydowskiego.
APRIL 25-26, 2023
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Yom Haatzmaut is Israeli Independence Day, a day of great celebration held every year in late April or early May – on the day (in the Hebrew calendar) which, in 1948, Israel declared its independence. Across Israel, events and celebrations take place to mark Independence – both on a national scale and on a more local scale, with almost every city, town, and village, having some sort of celebration. In 2023, Yom Haatzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) falls from sundown on April 25 to sundown on April 26.
The major State Ceremony for Yom Haatzmaut takes place on the eve of Yom Haatzmaut at Mount Herzl, Israel’s National Ceremony in Jerusalem. This event marks the end of Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s memorial day, which falls immediately before), and the beginning of the celebration for Yom Haatzmaut. The ceremony involves performances, speeches, and a ceremonial lighting of twelve torches which symbolizes the Twelve Tribes of Israel by twelve citizens who have made a great impact on the country. At the same time, towns and cities across the country have parties and firework displays.
The following day, parades and events take place across Israel including a spectacular military plane fly-by (see the schedule for the Independence Day Fly Over), parades, a famous International Bible Competition, and the ceremony for the Israel Prize which is Israel’s highest award and honor. The Israel Prize is given each year to about 10-15 people in the presence of the presence of the President, Prime Minister, the Knesset chairperson, and the Supreme Court president.
Every Yom Haatzmaut, the Israeli Air Force arrange a special air show and fly-over which passes over much of the country. The show features a range of aircraft from the IAF fleet including acrobatic planes, and lasts around 45 minutes. The aircraft pass over most major towns and cities in the country. A series of flyovers head from Beer Sheva to Jerusalem, through the Jordan Valley, over the major towns and cities of the Galilee, and then back down the Mediterranean Coast, passing Tel Aviv and passing over the cities of the Negev. Other fly-overs cover the southern Negev, and center of the country.
The show can be seen from: Beer Sheva, Yeruham, Dimona, Arad, Kiryat Gat, Jerusalem, Beit She’an, Afula, Nazareth, Tiberias, Katzrin, Safed, Carmiel, Nahariya, Haifa, Caesarea, Netanya, Tel Aviv & Ashdod.
Yom Haatzmaut is a real family day
Yom Haatzmaut is a real family day, and Israelis flock to Israel’s National Parks, hiking trails, and beauty spots, for barbecues and picnics.
The main Tel Aviv Yom Haatzmaut event is normally held at Rabin Square. Other events take place across the city, plus of course, many parties, see Yom Haatzmaut in Tel Aviv for details.
Yom Haatzmaut, or Israeli Independence Day, in Tel Aviv is a major time for celebration and the city takes to the streets to celebrate Israeli Independence. Major public events take place across the city, including the major ones below, whilst many more hundreds of things take place in Tel Aviv during the holiday in museums, cultural centers, and neighborhoods. See also our page about Yom Haatzmaut in Israel and Independence Day events in Jerusalem.
Yom Haatzmaut events in Jerusalem begin across the city from 21:00. See our dedicated article about Yom Haatzmaut in Jerusalem for more details
Events will be taking place in almost every city. Local municipalities may have more information.
There are also great events taking place in museums and national parks across the country on Independence Day. These include free opening at many museums in Israel.