Peace-Makers Illuminating Human Dignity

PTIJ invite you to join us for our gathering of learning and prayers, continuing our series on:

Praying Together in Jerusalem - logo

Source: Elijah Interfaith Institute

The Friends Across Faiths Initiative and Praying Together in Jerusalem

PTIJ invite you to join us for our gathering of learning and prayers, continuing our series on:

Peace-Makers Illuminating Human Dignity

This week Anantanand Rambachan will teach about the vision of Ramana Maharshi for Peace-Making.

Moderated by Peta Jones Pellach.

Anantanand Rambachan, USA
Dr. Anantanand Rambachan is Chair and Professor of Religion, Philosophy and Asian Studies at Saint Olaf College, Minnesota, USA, where he has been teaching since 1985. Prof. Rambachan is the author of several books, book-chapters and articles in scholarly journals. He is very active in the dialogue programs of the World Council of Churches, and is participant in the consultations of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue at the Vatican and an educator on interfaith issues in Minnesota. He is currently an advisor to the Pluralism Project (Harvard University), a member of the International Advisory Council for the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, a trustee on the Board of the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions and a member of the Theological Education Committee of the American Academy of Religion. The University of the West Indies recently honored Professor Rambachan with the Honorary Doctor of Laws degree.

The discussion will be followed by Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and Hindu prayers.

  • Christian prayer offered by Fr Michael Bellafiore
  • Jewish Prayer offered by Therese Andrevon

Moderated by

  • Peta Jones Pellach

Join on Zoom All welcome.

  • Meeting ID: 896 5428 9538
  • Passcode: 039533
  • Pacific time: 8 am
  • ET time: 11 am
  • London time: 4 pm
  • Central European time: 5 pm
  • Jerusalem time: 6 pm
  • India time: 8 pm

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