New articles are available on
03/11/2021 | Na stronie od 04/11/2021

Source: ICCJ, Martin-Buber-House, Heppenheim, November 3, 2021
English articles:
- Eva Jospe: Kristallnacht remembered. Article
- Belle Jarniewski: Sparks of Light: Irving Greenberg’s Post-Holocaust Theology. Article
- Raphael Jospe: We Are Not Alone: A Maimonidean Theology of the Other. Review essay. Book review
French articles:
- Belle Jarniewski: Des étincelles de lumière: la théologie post-holocauste d'Irving Greenberg. Article
- John T. Pawlikowski et Malka Z. Simkovich: Le pape François et la loi juive (Torah). Article
Spanish articles:
- John T. Pawlikowski y Malka Z. Simkovich: El papa Francisco y la Ley judía (Torá).